World Happiness Photo Contest
2022 (Result)
“World Happiness 2022 reminds us of the happiness all around us, to cherish it and make happiness a part of daily life. I appreciate the contributions of Prof Rajesh K Pillania in happiness and in bringing out World Happiness 2022.”
Management Legend Prof Philip Kotler
World Happiness 2022 has 100 winning photos from the 2nd annual World Happiness Photo Contest 2022, brief insights on happiness by experts, and exercises for experiencing happiness. The book has a foreword from management legend Prof Philip Kotler.
The 2nd annual World Happiness Photo Contest 2022 received participation from around the world and showed moments of people from different walks of life. The winning hundred photographs are shared in the book with the hope some of the photos might bring some smiles and happiness to people’s life. Among the winning photos, the maximum number of photos are of relationships of family and friendship, followed by nature, animals, pets, ideas of freedom, sports and COVID-19. This was also observed in the overall photos received for the competition. The dominance of relationships in happiness photos goes well with the longest study on happiness which highlighted relationships as the main source of happiness.
The 100 photographs are selected by an esteemed global jury consisting of Dr Tali Sharot, Director, Affective Brain Lab, Professor of Cognitive Neuroscience, University College London, and Affiliate, Wellbeing Research Center, Oxford University; Ms Mandy Seligman, Photographer and Positive Psychology Expert, Founder of seeinghappy; Mr Luciano Manzo, President and CEO, Make-A-Wish International; Dr Laura Giurge, Assistant Professor of Behavioral Science, London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE), and Contributor to HBR, Forbes, WSJ; Mrs Noof Aljneibi, Director, Emirates Center for Happiness Research & CEO, Happiness and Well-being, UAE University; Mr Greg Barton, Head of Digital Content, Reader’s Digest Asia Pacific and Photographer, Designer; Ms Anne Mawathe, Chief Producer Visuals, Reuters Africa Former and Africa Health Editor, BBC; Ms Ximena Morfín, Photo Editor, ELLE México; and India’s Happiness Professor Dr Rajesh Pillania, CEO, Happiness Strategy Foundation, India.
Besides 50 winning photos, the book has insights from Order of Australia recipient, Lea Waters AM, PhD, one of the world’s leading experts on positive education, positive organisations and strength-based parenting and teaching; Professor Cassie Mogilner Holmes, UCLA’s Anderson School of Management, award-winning teacher and researcher of time and happiness and author of Happier Hour; Dan Buettner, Founder of Blue Zones, New York Times bestselling author, public speaker and National Geographic Fellow; and Ms Natalia Alonso, Editora / Editor-in-Chief, Selecciones Reader´s Digest, España. It also has practical exercises for experiencing happiness in daily life by India’s Happiness Professor Dr Rajesh K Pillania. We need to make happiness a part of our daily life.
The book is already getting positive reception and has got accolades from many experts.
“World Happiness 2022 is a beautiful book that inspires love, joy, goodness, and happiness”, Tal Ben-Shahar, PhD., Best-selling author and a leading global expert on happiness, Taught the most popular course “Positive Psychology” at Harvard University.
“I congratulate India’s Happiness Professor Dr Rajesh for bringing out an excellent 2nd edition of World Happiness 2022 to make diverse people understand happiness is in the way they are - happiness is in being not in having. This book is another testimonial of his hard work and innovative approach for bringing happiness to the world”, Dr. Saamdu Chetri, Rekhi Foundation for Happiness and Founder Director, Gross National Happiness (GNH), Bhutan.
“I am delighted to know that the 2nd edition of World Happiness by Dr. Rajesh Pilania is out with a foreword by Prof. Kotler. As in previous editions, Dr. Pillania’s compilation of 100 photographs and other related narrations is superb and I am sure it will be well received. I compliment Dr Pillania for championing the cause of happiness so very well. Best wishes for the success of this edition as well”, Prof Prem Vrat, Founder Director IIT Roorkee and Chairman, Board of Governors, IIT(ISM) Dhanbad and IIT Mandi.
“I congratulate Prof. Pillania for creating awareness about the importance of happiness in our lives. If individuals are happy nations are happy, more productive, record fewer crimes and are in better health. Great initiative by Rajesh”, Pradeep Kashyap, Founder, MART, Known as Father of Rural Marketing in India.
​This is the 2nd annual World Happiness Book and the Happiness Strategy Foundation will put sincere efforts into learning and improving with each annual edition.
Download a PDF Copy of World Happiness 2022 here. It is free and please feel free to share it among your family, friends and networks to spread some happiness.